Apr 26, 2007
Apr 23, 2007
Apr 21, 2007
wtn, pt. 3
Apr 17, 2007
the killers

Let's see, I was thirteen when that song came out, he was negative five. There was also a drunk girl bingeing on popcorn, that was an interesting spectacle.
But the music was awesome and Brandon Flowers is a total hottie.
Apr 16, 2007
Free the West Memphis Three

Apr 12, 2007
Apr 10, 2007
interesting article
Apr 6, 2007
white trash neighbor, part deux

Rufus, R.I.P.
Last night I made the very sad and horrible decision to euthanize my beloved cat Rufus. Thankfully my mom and my sister were there with me. As some of you know he has been struggling with various health problems for the past couple of years. First he was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, then liver disease, then Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart) and finally kidney disease. He was very ill twice last year and somehow miraculously pulled through both times. Unfortunately this week he was just too sick. I did everything I could to save him including acupuncture, Chinese herbs, syringe feeding, subcutaneous fluids and tube feeding but he continued to get worse, not better. I decided that he didn't need to suffer any longer and I really believe Rufus made the decision for me.
Apr 2, 2007
My Life in Office Space
"To help us with these changes, we have brought Mr. R from Deloitte Consulting on board as our Change Management Strategist. Mr. R has a tremendous amount of experience, with over 30 years in process improvement and change management, in both the private and public sector. His role will be to monitor our projects, identify any changes those projects will bring about and help us prepare and work through them [i.e. 'cutting expenses by downsizing and outsourcing']. Mr. R will be with us for 12 months.
We all know some innovations are small: like new letterhead [you mean 9.45 mb letterhead that you outsourced?]; others a little bigger, such as new policies. All these changes impact the great people in this agency. Mr. R's role will be to help us all during these initiatives. He will be meeting with people to learn about our agency and how it operates so that he can give us the best advice possible."