Feb 23, 2006

my first guest star invitation...continued

Update: I should have mentioned that there had been some prior inappropriate email conversations between the two of us. However, I had made it very clear, multiple times, that I did not want to engage in this sort of behavior with him. He continues to cross my boundaries, yuck!

My response:
"I have to say I'm flattered that you would ask me to join in that kind of fun with you and I actually considered it for a second (only for the acupuncture though!) However, I don't think I would ever feel comfortable getting treatments from you if we were to do what you've suggested and I value you too much as an acupuncturist! I'm glad you two found each other, sounds like a great match."
His response:
"well, thanks for considering.......the offer is still open.........just think of how many acupuncture sessions you could get for only 10.00??"
He just won't quit! And I agree, I cannot believe he would commit any of this to writing! I think I'll be looking for a new female acupuncturist!!!

1 comment:

Nap Queen said...

GREAT plan! What about that woman that did acupuncture on you after the ride?