Oct 28, 2005

oh no, diggery don't...

...otherwise known as one of the many disasters I have encountered in my hunt for a tenant. Finding someone to pay me rent AND share my home space presents an interesting set of challenges. Most people seem to think that because they are paying rent they have 50% say in what goes on in the house. They are wrong.
Dear Tenant: this is my home, my mortage payment and my stuff. You are not sharing a place with me, you are renting a room in my house and the use of my belongings.
This week I had a most surreal experience with a potential tenant. Let's just say that it's highly likely he practices body choir. What? You're not familiar with body choir you say? Well let me be the first to introduce you: http://www.bodychoir.org/austin_home.asp
Also, it turns out the name he gave me is not his birth name...it was bestowed upon him in a vision quest. This man does not have a job and is expecting to make a living off his first album; an album filled with music intended to inspire people to dance and connect them with their soul. Last but not least, he is on a "magickal journey" to find his life partner. Yes my friends, he used the words "magickal journey." As my best friend said so eloquently, I don't want him in my house when he finds her.
It's a good thing there are plenty of other homeless people in this town looking for a crash pad.


Nap Queen said...

Drum circles and pan flutes and NIA, oh my!

Mama Duck said...

Wow....that's errrr, ummmm a rather special tenant ya got there.

Anonymous said...

I <3 this so much. And I'm so glad he didn't move in, or I would be the homeless crasher hoping to curl up in a corner of NiaSpace after deeksha without anyone noticing. Diggery-don't is my new favorite word, replacing "pastafarian" (white boy with dreadlocks).