Feb 22, 2006

my first guest star invitation (oh my gawd y'all)

So I called my acupuncturist to get a recommendation on some fish oil supplements. Rather than call me, he sent me an email this morning. After he named a couple of products and added in the usual chit-chat he and I engage in (we have a friendly relationship) he launched into this interesting proposal, I just had to share. To clarify, "xxx" is the ex-wife of my acupuncturist's (former?) best friend and supervisor...whaaaaat?!?!?!
"you might find this funny, but [xxx] and I are boyfriend and girlfriend...funny, huh?? [xxx] is quite nasty, which is very fun....she loves to watch porn, and she loves toys. and yes she has a strap on, but no its not for me!! she really wants for us to get some nasty pictures of us having fun too. would you be interested in taking them?? if so, i'll give you free acupuncture for the rest of your life, or at least 10.00 treatments to cover the needles!! i'm serious. i think it would be hot if you were dressed up like a porn star and we watched a good porno and then you could take pics of [xxx] and i going for it.......and if it turned you on i'm sure you could join in....all up to you.....but i feel real comfortable with you and think it would be fun..........so, think about how much money you would save on acupuncture and how much fun it would be and email me soon.........and get some fish oil soon!!! it can make a big difference in mood as well"
I have to say, I am flattered that he invited to join in the "fun" but I don't think I could possibly get acupuncture treatments from him after witnessing him "going for it" with his new girlfriend. Eeeewwwww!!!


Kat said...

Oh my. Found you via NapQueen and I don't know quite what to say about all that. I think I would start looking for a new acupunturist. :)

Caroline said...

Wow. Also found you via Napqueen. I am speechless.

Ruthie said...

hahahaha, that is awesome! You are hot! I really think you should consider it. I mean acupuncture IS expensive. You made my blog-life day with this one.

Anonymous said...

OH MAN. That's really... no words to describe.

Isabel said...

Hum...is this for real? I mean, this is SO not professional. I'm pretty sure he could lose his license for this one.

(and to put it in writing...SO BAD! Because you know that shit will end up on the internet.)

Lisa said...

Wow. That's all I have to say.... Wow! I can't believe he asked you that. Thanks for sharing.

I'm guessing he just lost a client because how in the world could you face him after that?

Amy said...

Just how friendly is your relationship with him? Do you guys normally talk about sex or was this totally out of the blue?
I could NEVER get treatments from him after this note! Weird!

pack of 2 said...





Anonymous said...

Holy damn.

That is all.

(alright, maybe that's not all...do it and ummm, post the pictures so we can see 'em)

Tammy said...

Oh.My.Gawd. Just ewwwww.

Cara said...

Sweet jesus. I would lose.it. if I got an email like that from...well...just about anyone!

Michelle said...

What a freak! (no pun intended)

PS..Nappy sent me