Jun 9, 2006

future serial killer

Yesterday I overheard a lovely conversation between two of my co-workers yesterday, one of which is a dumbass married guy (MG) who keeps emailing me. The other guy was telling MG that a neighborhood cat had been crapping in his lawn to which MG responded, "Just put out a bowl of antifreeze, no more cat problem!" So I emailed MG and said he should watch what he says at work, that I had a cat die of antifreeze poisoining and that it is a terrible way to watch a pet die. He wrote me back and "apologized" but said something snarky about how I hadn't responded to an earlier email from him. I wrote him back and said I don't care to be friends with someone who thinks poisoning animals is funny. To which he replied, "I never said it was funny." People like him scare me very much.

1 comment:

Whozfan said...

I would hope that the two guys were kidding around and had no idea that you had a cat to die of that. Besides, cat turds are so small anyway and most of the time they try to cover it up. He did make an attempt at an apology. I'm a current happy cat owner (Simon) and I know how we can get really attached to our pets.