Jun 28, 2006

more on panic

I have been suffering from anxiety and panic since I was 13. Luckily, over the years I have had long stretches of time where I am virtually symptom free. However for the past three weeks or so I have been having panic attacks that include all of the symptoms I listed in the previous post, and it is absolutely horrible. My shrink has prescribed medication for it but it is not 100% effective. I have cut back on caffeine and am trying to walk every day. In addition, I am looking into alternative methods for combatting this nightmare such as biofeedback and acupuncture. If anyone has any experience recovering from anxiety and panic, especially regarding alternatives to medication, I am all ears.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a book called Panic Attacks: A Natural Approach. I don't know how good it is because I never read it. I'll give it to your sister in the morning. or, if you want it tonight, you can stop by and pick it up. Hope you get a handle on this soon.