Aug 2, 2006

third time's a charm?

I decided to give it a go with The Musician. So far I feel really safe and happy with him and the weirdest part is it doesn't feel weird. He said it's like he stepped out for a pack of smokes and got lost somewhere but finally found his way back...six years later. Being together feels like coming home. I still feel very nervous and afraid of making a huge mistake. My inner perfectionist wants to sort out every possible outcome and scenario before making any decisions. Of course that means I'm not living in the present and I am engaging in a lot of future projection. That behavior doesn't work since it's impossible to predict the future!


Nap Queen said...

That inner perfectionist can be such a bitch sometimes! I wish she would learn to leave her trap shut sometimes.

Whozfan said...

Good luck the third time around. I remember a few girls I'ld like to have a second or THIRD chance to work it out with. " An optimist sees the glass has half full, the pessimist sees the glass as half empty, the realist sees the glass as the bottom half full and the top half empty".