Aug 31, 2005
more change
Aug 25, 2005
lots more responses...
sugar daddy
To read the responses click on the Sugar Daddies link to your left.
Aug 24, 2005
my heroine
Aug 23, 2005
how to get under my skin
In the tradition of Dooce, I thought I would start a "how to annoy me" list:
1) Ask me if "we" are having fun yet. I can't speak for you but if you have to ask me that question there's a 99.99% chance that the answer is a resounding NO!
2) Pass me in the hall and say, "SMILE, it can't be that bad!" How do you know motherf*cker? It may actually be worse.
3) Talk to me while we are in neighboring bathroom stalls. Hell, talk to me in the bathroom at all; it's NOT the employee lounge.
4) Ask me for a sip of my drink; unless you are a blood relative or we are otherwise swapping bodily fluids.
5) Tell me I look tired. Have you not noticed that those dark circles under my eyes are a permanent affliction? I ALWAYS LOOK TIRED!
6) Suggest you might know a better way for me to keep my house clean. Unless you too live with three long-haired dogs and two cats don't even THINK about going there.
7) Argue with me about the validity of vegetarianism. Do not try to convince me I'm murdering vegetables and they might have feelings too. Look dumbass: no nervous system = no feelings.
8) Talk to my rack. What, you think I don't notice? Besides, they're not going to talk back so give it up.
9) Forward me urban legends that have been circulating for years. It's called Snopes, look into it.
10) Speak of yourself in the third person. Just don't.
Aug 22, 2005
playing grown up
My mom has told me how, when I was a kid in public kindergarten, every day I would come home crying about how bored I was. Eventually I was moved into first grade but that's a story for another day. The bottom line is, I feel like that five year old again, crying nearly every day and on the verge of a meltdown. Now it's not just boredom but also loneliness, frustration and confusion topped off with a healthy serving of incompetence.
oh joy
Aug 19, 2005
Aug 18, 2005
ambiguity, part deux; or the importance of feeling useful
I used to have a month's worth of outfits that matched, I used to have cute shoes, once I had a nice car. I let all that go and now I just want to have purpose.
except I have fun on rollercoasters
I think my hair may be falling out. It's a small price to pay for getting a med cocktail that works. Besides, in the past seven months I've gotten to enjoy (in no particular order): nausea, loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, severe night sweats, unusual drowsiness, swollen lymph nodes, blurred vision, loss of memory, decrease in sexual desire, painful urination, change in sense of taste, a [potentially fatal] rash, akathisia, dizziness, impulsivity, anxiety, constipation and my personal favorite: hallucination. I don't really have extra hair to spare but I think wigs look better on me than crazy does.
Aug 17, 2005
Aug 16, 2005
the view
every day is a crap shoot
Aug 15, 2005
Aug 14, 2005
weekend's end
Around 8:30 I decided to respond to a ridculous message left on my answering machine yesterday by one of the Dating Disasters; Spring '05. He is the one with poor impulse control and to whom I have not spoken in two weeks. The message said something about "blah, blah, blah...I hope you're doing well...blah, blah, blah...I'm doing great...blah, blah, blah." Awfully presumptuous of him to think I give a rat's arse how he is doing and then stunningly self-absorbed that he found it necessary to let me know. The gist of my text message to him was short & sweet, "don't contact me anymore". His response? "Don't worry, I won't." What a tool.
I made it to brunch with my family at 9:30 where I proceeded to weep at the mere idea of making a decision about what to eat, there were too many choices for my exhausted brain. I fear my family is growing tired of my emotional meltdowns, especially the public ones. Bonus: we had a Lance Armstrong sighting at the restaurant.
Thankfully there was one great success today: I somehow managed to get my yard mowed. My grass had gotten so tall that my dogs were getting lost. There were weeds in the middle of the lawn that looked like cornstalks. It was wholly out of control. Getting that kind of yard work done is a major endeavor for someone like me who is battling spontaneous weeping fits and a general lack of emotional stability. However, I was afraid if I didn't take care of it soon I would have to rent a piece of farm equipment to mow it down. Sweet baby jesus it is done, now I just have to figure out how to make my weedeater work.
Aug 11, 2005

I recently decided to give dating a try again after an appropriate recuperation period from the Great Disappointment; Winter '04. I have to say, dating in the new millennium sucks. Or maybe it has always sucked, I just didn't do much dating before the new millennium. I would previously meet a guy and before I realized what had happened he was my boyfriend. Now I'm into the whole courtship thing but apparently part of my brain is still picking the instaboyfriend type of guys it has picked since I was fifteen. Damn. I didn't know it was considered appropriate to invite yourself to spend the night with a woman before taking her out to dinner. Or how about requesting oral sex before any heavy petting has occurred? Or my recent favorite, "We will make a great boyfriend-girlfriend couple one day" exactly four days before finding out he's been banging a woman I know the entire time he's been aggressively trying to get in my pants. *sigh* What happened to friendly dates? Getting to know each other? Being respectful? It seems the older I get the more I become a Prudence McPrudesville which is truly just fine with me.
Aug 10, 2005
no more late night pie
I am trying to mold myself into a knitter; the knitting helps me focus and calm down. I taught myself the knit & purl stitches from a book one of my fabulous and crafty girlfriends gave me. That in & of itself was quite satisfying, now if I can just figure out which row of stitches I was on when I set the knitting down maybe one day I will be able to make something wearable.
Aug 9, 2005
ten reasons
1) I celebrated two years of sobriety
2) I watched one of my cats get murdered in my yard by my neighbor's pit bull
3) I had my tonsils removed and had to allow my mom to take care of me afterwards
4) I decided to end twenty months of celibacy with an ultimately disappointing relationship that crashed and burned after only four months
5) I was offered and accepted two promotions
6) I finally accepted the diagnosis of my "major mental illness" and have gone through three psychiatrists and six medications trying to get my cocktail right
7) I started a craft business with my sister and we sold some of our jewelry to a local branch of a major national retailer
8) I met a man, in a most coincidental way, whom I feel is my mindmeldsoulbrother but for reasons completely beyond my control he is absolutely unavailable to me
9) I have to say goodbye to one of one of my best friends as her journey takes her to another state
10) I got to welcome another one of my best friends home after years of living in another state
Aug 8, 2005
So I start making my bed up around me and the prayers begin. Please remove my fears. Please redirect my obsessive thoughts. Please help me trust that everything will turn out ok. Please help me stay in the present. I am allowing my life to slip through my fingers while I ardently nurse irrational fears about my future. I haven't even gotten out of my bed yet.
The dogs wake up and rally around me, my three spots of joy, my reason for getting out of bed. I thank the universe for my dogs.
My feet hit the floor and the masquerade begins, the one where I act as if I am a functioning member of society. Feed dogs, drink coffee, take shower, get dressed, drive to work, say hi to coworkers, smile and pretend that I understand what is going on around me.
Laugh or the weeping will never stop.
Aug 5, 2005

I had a moment of clarity today whilst reading the blog of one heather.
I am not sure what makes some blogs international sensations (she made the bbc, y'all) but I'm hooked. I go from blog to blog to blog, "leapblogging" you might call it. I have learned all kinds of fascinating information in this week alone; thanks to heather I know not to talk about my job or my coworkers here. For now I will just introduce myself while I warm up to the idea of dumping my life on the internet for other voyeuristic junkies like me to (presumably) read. I have lived my entire life in Austin, Texas and I hate the heat. However, because I'm also "mentally interesting" and thrive on sunshine I welcome the Texas summers after the melodramatic darkness of the rainy winters. I am single, no spawn, but I live with two cats and three dogs that I love more than just about anything else. I'm currently gripped with an irrational fear of my oldest and most favorite dog's death. He is not sick. The only family I have is my sister, who is my best friend, and my parents; all of whom live in this town. We do dorky stuff like play trivial pursuit on father's day and scrabble until 2am on Christmas Day. I have a tiny old house that I've owned for over nine years and I'm gripped with another, perhaps more rational, fear that it is on the verge of crumbling around me. Houses will do that if you don't take care of them and I have not been a good house caretaker. I have the most fabulous girlfriends anyone could ask for. Each one of them is beautiful, talented, intelligent and hilarious in her own special way. For work I am called a unix systems administrator and I report to a State Government Agency. That's all I will say on that subject...for now anyway.