I had a moment of clarity today whilst reading the blog of one heather.
I am not sure what makes some blogs international sensations (she made the bbc, y'all) but I'm hooked. I go from blog to blog to blog, "leapblogging" you might call it. I have learned all kinds of fascinating information in this week alone; thanks to heather I know not to talk about my job or my coworkers here. For now I will just introduce myself while I warm up to the idea of dumping my life on the internet for other voyeuristic junkies like me to (presumably) read. I have lived my entire life in Austin, Texas and I hate the heat. However, because I'm also "mentally interesting" and thrive on sunshine I welcome the Texas summers after the melodramatic darkness of the rainy winters. I am single, no spawn, but I live with two cats and three dogs that I love more than just about anything else. I'm currently gripped with an irrational fear of my oldest and most favorite dog's death. He is not sick. The only family I have is my sister, who is my best friend, and my parents; all of whom live in this town. We do dorky stuff like play trivial pursuit on father's day and scrabble until 2am on Christmas Day. I have a tiny old house that I've owned for over nine years and I'm gripped with another, perhaps more rational, fear that it is on the verge of crumbling around me. Houses will do that if you don't take care of them and I have not been a good house caretaker. I have the most fabulous girlfriends anyone could ask for. Each one of them is beautiful, talented, intelligent and hilarious in her own special way. For work I am called a unix systems administrator and I report to a State Government Agency. That's all I will say on that subject...for now anyway.
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