Aug 9, 2005

ten reasons

Ten Reasons that the past twelve months have been mind-bogglingly life-altering:
1) I celebrated two years of sobriety
2) I watched one of my cats get murdered in my yard by my neighbor's pit bull
3) I had my tonsils removed and had to allow my mom to take care of me afterwards
4) I decided to end twenty months of celibacy with an ultimately disappointing relationship that crashed and burned after only four months
5) I was offered and accepted two promotions
6) I finally accepted the diagnosis of my "major mental illness" and have gone through three psychiatrists and six medications trying to get my cocktail right
7) I started a craft business with my sister and we sold some of our jewelry to a local branch of a major national retailer
8) I met a man, in a most coincidental way, whom I feel is my mindmeldsoulbrother but for reasons completely beyond my control he is absolutely unavailable to me
9) I have to say goodbye to one of one of my best friends as her journey takes her to another state
10) I got to welcome another one of my best friends home after years of living in another state

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